- Formative evaluation. It is necessary permanent feedback to value the implementation of the project and the achievement of the objectives. This evaluation will allow us to improve the project and make adjustments if necessary.
- Evaluation of achievements. It is useful to evaluate the achievements made. We will also consider the unexpected achievements, namely, these achievements that are not directly linked to the project but are of interest to the project.
To do all this we have:
1. Objective indicators:
a. The number of activities done.
b. Quality of the works. To evaluate them we will use headings that will consider:
- The maturity of the contents.
- How the information has been organized.
- Language skills (oral and written).
- Work presentation
- Use of resources.
- Team work.
- Originality.
- Punctuality in the production and presentation of works.
c. We will assess the podcasts according to:
- Vocalization
- Speed.
- Tone.
- Intonation.
d. Number of teachers involved in the project
e. Number of events promoted and number of attendees.
f. Number of students involved in the implementation of the project.
g. Number of visitors of the Blog (visitor counter)
h. Number of followers on Facebook and Twitter.
i. Evaluation questionnaire of the project as an educational experience.
j. Self-thinking questionnaire about the activities.
2. Qualitative indicators. They are difficult to quantify but not less important:
a. Degree of involvement.
b. Team work.
c. Effort made.
d. Degree of self-confidence achieved.
e. Attitude in relation to the topics we have dealt with.
Interviews will be carried out about the topics they have liked the most, differences, similarities, degree of enrichment, enjoyment, conclusions and, what is really important: Can they use what they have learnt in their daily life?
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